Dr Frances Pine BA, MPhil Phd

Frances’ research in eastern Europe has led to work on kinship and gender, place, history and memory, and work.

Staff details

Dr Frances Pine BA, MPhil Phd


Emeritus Reader




f.pine (@gold.ac.uk)

Dr Frances Pine has been conducting research in eastern Europe for the past 3 decades. Her field work has been located in the Polish Tatra Mountains, the countryside of eastern and central Poland, and the cities of Lublin and Lodz. She has worked on kinship and gender, place, history and memory, work, markets, informal economy, unemployment and restructuring, and migration and emerging inequalities.


Dr Frances Pine teaches the following courses:

  • Anthropology and Gender Theory
  • Ethnography of Post Socialism

Areas of supervision

Dr Frances Pine currently supervises PhD students working on mining in Estonia, economy, environment and history in Cornwall, Chechyn asylum seekers in Poland, memory and objects in Romania, poverty in Romania, sacred sites in Bosnia, the new right in the Czech Republic, pilgrimage and marian cults in Poland, and history and memory in Berlin. She is interested in supervising research on post socialism, eastern and central Europe, gender and generation, memory, work, and migration.

Currently supervising

  • Aimee Joyce
  • Alena Oaka
  • Michal Sipos
  • Iliana Tsankova
  • Alexandra Urdea
  • William Wheeler
  • Maria Del Carmen Suarez
  • Souad Osseiran
  • Safet HadžiMuhamedović
  • Elena Liber

Completed PhD students

  • Nandera Mhando, "Meaning, Gender and Kinship Among the Kuria of Tanzania: Male and Female Agency
  • Eeva Keskula, Mining in transition?"
  • Tim Martindale, "Time and transmission in West Cornwall: Fishing, innovation and representations of loss"

Publications and research outputs


Book Section

Conference or Workshop Item

Edited Book

Research Interests

Frances Pine is currently attached to the MEDEA project. Prior to that her most recent research project was a Volkswagen Foundation funded project at the Max Planck Institute on kinship, exclusion and inclusion in eastern Poland. Her original fieldwork was in the Tatry mountains of southern Poland, and she has continued to conduct research there as well as in other regions, both rural and urban, of Poland.

Her research interests include kinship and gender, history, memory and life stories, movement and migration and work (including informal economy). She has taught at several British universities and most recently has held senior research positions at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Halle, Germany), and the Centre for Gender and Women's Research (University of Bergen, Norway). She is also involved in teaching in and promoting academic and research cooperation with the former socialist countries of eastern and central Europe.

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